Cleansing Smudges
Cleansing Smudges
Dragons Blood- Love and Passion
Yerba Santa- Setting Boundaries
Desert Sage - Drawing Wisdom
Juniper Sage - Cleanse & Prosper
Pine Sage - Attract Wealth
Black Sage- Inspiration & Vision
Blue Sage - Banish Negativity
Sweet Grass - Kindness
Palo Santo - "Holy Wood", Grounding & Cleansing
Pine - Abundance
As the smoke from smudging rises it is believed that our prayers too will rise up to the world of spirit to be seen, heard, and to be remembered. Let your intention be known and heard while you are burning your chosen bundle.
How to Use
How to Use
Hand Curated Crystal Collection
We absolutely LOVE hand selecting crystals and other goodies we think you would enjoy. We travel to gem shows and build relationships with miners from around the world and we have even mined for crystals ourselves.